1515 Howard St
Petoskey, MI 49770
The Starting a Business Workshop is intended for individuals in the beginning stages of starting a business, in need of accessing capital, or simply considering self-employment. Delivered in a workshop format, this introductory session helps aspiring entrepreneurs assess their abilities to lead and manage a company, as well as evaluate market and sales potential for their products/services. Start-up costs, financing options, and business planning are introduced, along with necessary steps to getting started. This workshop is a pre-requisite to meeting with a consultant one-on-one. The presenter is SBDC Business Consultant Kathleen Bagley. There is no cost to attend; however, pre-registration is required. The workshop is being held at North Central Michigan College, 1515 Howard Street, Petoskey, MI 49770. For more information, contact the SBDC at sbdc@networksnorthwest.org or (231) 922-3780. Register online.