Community Investors
Our four member counties (Antrim, Charlevoix, Cheboygan, and Emmet) have entered into a partnership to provide economic development support services throughout the region. To leverage county taxpayer dollars, the NLEA relies on investment from local units of governments as well as other public and private sector partners. This enables the NLEA to field a qualified professional team that individually no single local unit of government could provide.
The NLEA works closely with all local units of government within our four-county service area. The following communities invest financially to support regional economic development efforts. It is through their investment the NLEA is able to serve the entire region.
Antrim County
Banks Township
Village of Bellaire
Village of Central Lake
Village of Elk Rapids
Village of Ellsworth
Village of Mancelona
Charlevoix County
City of Boyne City
City of Charlevoix
Charlevoix Township
City of East Jordan
Cheboygan County
City of Cheboygan
Inverness Township
Village of Mackinaw City
Tuscarora Township
Emmet County
Village of Mackinaw City
City of Petoskey
Village of Pellston
Resort Township