Providing resources for communities and entrepreneurs to create and retain jobs in Antrim, Charlevoix, Cheboygan & Emmet Counties.
May 25, 2023
On Monday, May 22, 2023, the Northern Lakes Economic Alliance held its second annual Northern Lakes Economic Symposium & Showcase at Boyne Mountain Resort in Boyne Falls, Michigan. The event was attended by nearly 250 economic developers,… read more
May 5, 2023
This article examines the annual labor force cycle as thousands of workers enter the the labor force each summer.
April 25, 2023
Abigail Vandeyacht Thomas Reid Adelyn Wang Lila Bolden By Sam Bailey, Strategic Initiatives Manager Northern Lakes Economic Alliance (NLEA) is excited to announce the hiring of Abigail Vandeyacht,… read more
April 25, 2023
April 24, 2023
Eric Grandstaff, Broadband Specialist, fully retires after four years volunteering with NLEA. By Sam Bailey, Strategic Initiatives Manager Eric Grandstaff, NLEA Broadband Consortium Staff Specialist and Consultant on Broadband,… read more
March 18, 2023
By Sam Bailey, Strategic Initiatives Manager The 2023 Northern Lakes Economic Symposium and Showcase is on Monday May 22nd at Boyne Mountain Resort! To support the businesses and communities across the region that are confronting… read more
March 9, 2023
By Sam Bailey, Strategic Initiatives Manager Jeff Lawson, Cheboygan County Administrator and twelve-year NLEA Board Member, recently received Lean & Green Michigan’s 2022 Most Valuable PACEsetter award! Pictured with… read more