This premier Hiring Event provides you with the opportunity to hire candidates throughout Michigan. All these opportunities under one roof, one location, one day! Industries include but not limited to – Healthcare, Technology, Manufacturing, Retail, Hospitality, Agriculture, and others;
- Full Time
- Part Time
- Summer Position
- Apprenticeships / Internships
Early Bird registration available until January 12, 2018 for $300
Regular registration after January 12, 2018 will be $350
Sign up on-line at
Or use our registration form.
Free for candidates / individuals to attend!
Booth payment covers a 10’X10′ space, plus an 8′ table, two chairs, electric and Wi-Fi.
This event is intended for all northern Michigan businesses covering the Upper Peninsula and all lower northern Michigan.
And, we want to attract people from all over Michigan to come and learn (and possibly be hired) about working in northern Michigan!
This event will be at the Ellison Place in Gaylord, Michigan.
But wait… there’s more!
This event will be promoted through an extensive marketing initiative to include print, digital / social media, radio, colleges and universities, high schools, and other channels.
- While there are so many more details to come, it’s important that you RESERVE YOUR SPACE NOW! Our event space is limited… and you KNOW you don’t want to miss out.
Tickets are $25 for an individual and $200 for a table of 8. Purchase tickets now through April 11 to get special early bird rates: individual tickets at $20 and $160 for a table of 8!
The NLEA is excited to present this year’s Annual Luncheon at Boyne Mountain Resort in the Matterhorn Room (Civic Center). This state of the art facility will play host to our gathering of over 500 of our closest friends and colleagues from across the state and region for the celebration and recognition of economic development projects and people in Northwest Michigan.
Join other business, community and government leaders involved in the economic vitality of our area for an exciting afternoon luncheon at Boyne Mountain Resort. Don’t miss the keynote speaker, live entertainment, prestigious awards, special recognitions and plated lunch. Reserve your tickets or table today.
Learn about commercial and residential lending programs from Alan Anderson, Commercial Loan Specialist of USDA Rural Development. Hosted by Northern Lakes Economic Alliance and USDA Rural Development for local lenders at NLEA / Char-Em ISD Office: 1313 Boyne Avenue, Boyne City.
Northern Lakes Economic Alliance presents the Emmet Entrepreneur Challenge Business Model Competition. All Emmet County entrepreneurs and new business owners of two years or less, pitch your business plan for a chance at a share of $15,000 in startup funds! Public is invited to watch entrepreneurs vie for seed dollars to launch their business idea. Network with community leaders and growth supporters at this great night of entrpreneurship!
This event is free to attend, however a suggested donation at the door of $5 is encouraged to support funds for the people’s choice award.
Northern Lakes Economic Alliance presents the Invest Cheboygan County Business Model Competition. All Cheboygan County entrepreneurs and new business owners, pitch your business plan for a chance at a share of $18,000 in startup funds! Public is invited to watch entrepreneurs vie for seed dollars to launch their business idea. Doors open at 5:30pm and event starts at 6pm.
During the week of Nov. 5-9, 2018, area students, and public can tour some of the region’s most successful
manufacturing facilities throughout Charlevoix and Emmet Counties. Learn
first-hand about the skills you’ll need to enter the manufacturing workforce and what each facility does.
Click here to find specific events
Noon to 3pm – Tours on the Hour
Charlevoix Nov 6
Wojan – (1 and 2pm on the hour)
Charlevoix Nov 7
- Redi-Rock / Astor Brands
- Michigan Scientific
Industrial Magnetics, Inc.
Precision Edge
Noon to 3pm – Tours on the Hour
Central Industrial
Moeller Aerospace
Petoskey Plastics
Manthei Veneer
- North Central Michigan College: Open House Nov 7 in the TECH Building Shop Rm. 228, 10am until 7pm
Northern Lakes Economic Alliance presents the Antrim Pitch Night Business Model Competition. All Antrim County entrepreneurs and new business owners, pitch your business plan for a chance at a share of $15,000 in startup funds! Public is invited to watch entrepreneurs vie for seed dollars to launch their business idea. Doors open at 6pm and event starts at 6:30pm.
For event and registration details, visit and check out the Antrim Pitch Night page.
The top three winners of Antrim Pitch Night, GreenLight East Jordan, Invest Cheboygan, and Emmet Entrepreneur Challenge Business Model Competitions will compete for additional startup funds of $15,000! The public is welcome to witness this fun, finale competition to be held November 27, 2018 at Great Lakes Center for the Arts. Doors open at 5:30pm. Enjoy hors d’oeuvres and beverages while you network with area entrepreneurs and community members! Visit for more info.

Get tickets HERE!
Virtually join us and other guests involved in the economic vitality of our area for an exciting showcase of awards, recognitions and keynote speaker on Friday, May 21, 2021 from 11:00am to 1:00pm. Thanks to our host The Petoskey Regional Chamber of Commerce, we will be utilizing their Remo platform.
We’re excited to announce our keynote speaker for the event-a legendary brand with a great story, Bob Jacquart, owner of Stormy Kromer!
Bob Jacquart began his career with his father at Jacquart Fabric Products in the early ‘70s, and then took over the company in 1983. He became a successful entrepreneur and the company became a “jack of all trades” making pet beds, boat covers, industrial covers, commercial and industrial upholstery and playground equipment covers. With a successful business already under his belt, Jacquart was made aware of another possible business opportunity in the summer of 2001 – Stormy Kromer.
When his local dealer told him that production of the legendary Stormy Kromer cap would soon cease, Jacquart made a call to Milwaukee and, a few months later, relaunched Stormy Kromer from its new home at Jacquart Fabric Products in Ironwood, Michigan—still made in the USA, still crafted by hand. According to Bob, it was the best business opportunity that could ever pass his way.
Be part of the largest gathering of local and state government officials, community and business leaders, area entrepreneurs, chamber members, educational leaders and everyone involved in the economic development of our region for networking and celebration.