Providing resources for communities and entrepreneurs to create and retain jobs in Antrim, Charlevoix, Cheboygan & Emmet Counties.

East Jordan’s “Joining Jordan”

Construction on East Jordan's Joining Jordan project continues.After months of planning and anticipation the City of East Jordan is making progress on their “Joining Jordan” Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) project. The $2.2M grant project includes a pedestrian boardwalk featuring pavilions and a fishing deck that will connect the main pier of the City Marina on the east side of Lake Charlevoix to the new pocket park on the west side. The Waterfront Pocket Park will serve as an anchor on the west side of Lake Charlevoix and the mouth of the Jordan River. There will also be updates to the M-32 bridge corridor creating a safer shared-use options for crossing the Jordan River factoring in vehicles, bicycles, pedestrians, and snowmobiles. This project is going to be a great amenity for residents, businesses and visitors to the community.
 Rendering courtesy of Gosling Czubak Engineering Sciences, Inc.
Artist rendition of Joining Jordan waterfront project.

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